Tuesday, February 2, 2010


On February 3rd, tomorrow night from 6-8pm, the Austrian Wine Cultural Forum kicks off their newest art exhibit, "Solace" which is dedicated to demonstrating the intoxicating effects of both beauty and alcohol.

Coincidentally, the exhibit kick off will be accompanied by a tasting of Austrian wines.

"The exhibition shows art in a very mundane sense as a source of solace, committed both to the mildly intoxicating character of beauty and the inebriating quality of alcohol, aligning itself with the baser genres of still-life and decoration.

The show consists of two perspectives. One that addresses the topic of solace in a contemplative movement revolving around objects, video and painting on view at the Austrian Cultural Forum. The other focuses on the aspect of inebriation and intoxication, and assembles art works in different venues. In the course of the exhibition, these other venues will become the focal points of various, to some extent participative, projects."

If you've never been to the Austrian Wine Cultural Forum, believe me when I say they have some of the most interesting artwork I have ever seen; very classy with a keen twist of contemporary.

Even if tomorrow doesn't work you, definitely make it a point to stop by this wonderful exhibit running until May 15.

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